Monday, January 26, 2009

The Ten Commandments and the poem: They Saw The Voices

First posted on the Hearing Seven Thunders site on MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 2009

The seven thunders:

Thunder upon waters, changing darkness to light
Thunder from the Strong Hand, plucking Adam from the serpent's fang
Thunder crackling through the splendor, lifting Isaac from the altar to the chariot
Thunder like a wave leveling the northern forests and kingdoms
Thunder like rolling fire and steam, waves of plasma, balancing justice and kindness on a plume
Thunder like pillars of heat exploding with redemption in the desert
Thunder like the cry of mothers in the wilderness giving birth to worlds

  1. The first commandment institutes the redemption of Israel from Egypt forever, changing darkness to light, thundering across the Red Sea.
  2. With the thunder of the passion of the Spirit of G-d within him, Moshe cast down the tablets of the Torah, and so began the salvation of Israel from the sin of the golden calf, wherein Israel had repeated the sin of Adam in the Garden of Eden, violating both the first and the second commandments.
  3. When Sarah heard that she would in her old age be giving birth to the promised son, she laughed, because her soul knew that he would be born from the dead for the sanctification of the Name of G-d in Israel, for the observance of the third commandment.
  4. As Israel was eventually cast out of the garden of the testimony of redemption by the Land itself in order that it might keep its Sabbaths, so the very planet longs to keep the Sabbath for which it was created. And the whole earth shall enter G-d's rest. Even now it is praying from the north for the thunder of the voice of the God of Israel to come and bring it salvation from the empires of human arrogance. The earth, the sea, and even the heaven of heavens desire Israel to keep her Sabbath with her God, that they also might come up to Jerusalem and rejoice in her Sabbath with her.
  5. In the day when the Messiah of Israel sits upon his throne in Jerusalem all the seventy nations shall come and shall say, This is the home of Abraham and Sarah, of Isaac and Rebecca, of Jacob and Rachel and Leah, our fathers and our mothers. They will cry tears of gratitude for the kindness of Abraham and silence their lip at the justice of Isaac and the holy letters shall issue from their tongue in praise to the God of Israel.
  6. Only in the camp of Knesset Israel in the wilderness between this world and the world to come is there an end to be found to all killing, all immorality, all stealing, all evil speaking. Only in that place where the twelve tribes walk as one through the dust of the earth and the foot prints they leave behind are the footprints of the Shekinah are children born to life and not to death.
  7. The tenth commandment is the commandment of repentance for all souls, the commandment not to hunger and thirst for visible riches but to hunger and thirst for righteousness. And to fulfill this commandment of repentance the seventy nations shall lift all the children of Israel up upon their shoulders and the worlds shall sing the song of Moshe and the Messiah with joy that shall create new souls from the earth and from the sea. And they shall call them the children of Jerusalem's womb.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

7 Noahide Laws and The Learning Dialogue

The practice of The Learning Dialogue will greatly help prevent a person from humiliating any other person with whom they are engaged in interpersonal communication.

Someone who would never humiliate another would never kill.

The practice of The Learning Dialogue will enable ever improving skill in avoiding any neglect of, or violation of, personal boundaries in the conduct of interpersonal dialogue.

Someone who would never neglect or violate boundaries in interpersonal communication would never commit adultery.

The practice of The Learning Dialogue will provide good opportunity for direct self-discipline against the presumptive posturing and positioning in interpersonal communication that allows for the cultivation of selfish pride.

Someone who practices a discipline of humility in all interpersonal communication will be increasingly disinclined toward idolatry.

The practice of The Learning Dialogue will guide a person in learning to recognize and cut short any and all tendencies toward arrogance in their language, when they are engaged in interpersonal communication.

Someone who is learning to perfect their language with their peers will be more and more protected against ever using any language that is profane or blasphemous.

The practice of The Learning Dialogue will greatly help prevent a person from ever pushing another person into a condition of inability to think, or disability to learn, or from generally forcing them into a condition where they lose control of their own learning process.

A person who is regularly working at the skills that are necessary in interpersonal communication to never silence or stop the learning of the other person, who is trying to learn how to never take another person's thought from them, is someone who would never steal at all.

The practice of The Learning Dialogue will cultivate in a person a respect for the balance and the need for balance in all the processes and dynamics of communication, learning and life.

A person learning to live in subjection to the rules of balance in interpersonal communication, interpersonal dynamics and interpersonal learning, will be disposed to show respect for all life at all times and to take care to treat all forms of life with kindness, not with greed.

A practice of The Learning Dialogue will cultivate in a person a desire for continual learning about both individual and social responsibility and accountability in communication in word and deed between one's self and all other life forms.

A person actively cultivating a desire for continual learning about how to perform in a better dialogue between life in all forms will become better prepared to learn from those who are able to give instruction in what works and what does not work for life on the earth, and will be inclined to lend support to offices of authority for the directing of society toward those ends.