The Jordan River (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The Flood implicitly promised the one eternal covenant. It was in this way that the rainbow and the salvation that took place through the Flood were a kind of preliminary covenant promise of the one eternal covenant, a kind of grace for grace.
Emergence from the Red Sea was an illustration of the promise of corporate resurrection for Israel. It was the baptism of all twelve tribes, corporate Israel, in the sea and in the Jordan River which came in the merit of the Passover Lamb, representing the Lamb of G-d which takes away Adam's corporate sin.
This baptism of Israel, which was first in the sea, was a testimony which required correction in order to be a true testimony. It was a testimony on the witness stand before all worlds which was falsified by the sin of the golden calf and the sin of the spies and which required rectification in order to show that it was a complete testimony only in following the Shekinah into the Land chosen by God.
Forty years later Israel repeated the baptism of the Red Sea in its crossing of the Jordan River. This was the testimony of Israel's corporate repentance. For this reason John/Yochanan baptized in the Jordan, and for this reason Jesus/Yehoshua was baptized of Yochanan in the Jordan, with all Jerusalem and Judah. All of ths is represented in Solomon's brass sea. See my website by this name,
A convert can be said to enter the word of G-d. This can be said to be done through baptism, through Solomon's Brass Sea. We will need to come to understand this well. May this understanding be given to us, in accordance with 1 Yochanan/John 5:20.
This baptism of Israel, which was first in the sea, was a testimony which required correction in order to be a true testimony. It was a testimony on the witness stand before all worlds which was falsified by the sin of the golden calf and the sin of the spies and which required rectification in order to show that it was a complete testimony only in following the Shekinah into the Land chosen by God.
Forty years later Israel repeated the baptism of the Red Sea in its crossing of the Jordan River. This was the testimony of Israel's corporate repentance. For this reason John/Yochanan baptized in the Jordan, and for this reason Jesus/Yehoshua was baptized of Yochanan in the Jordan, with all Jerusalem and Judah. All of ths is represented in Solomon's brass sea. See my website by this name,
A convert can be said to enter the word of G-d. This can be said to be done through baptism, through Solomon's Brass Sea. We will need to come to understand this well. May this understanding be given to us, in accordance with 1 Yochanan/John 5:20.